Tech in the Tron
Jono Cook

Meet Jono Cook: Co-founder of award-winning digital agency, N4 Studio

After spotting potential for faster, more cost-effective and higher-quality solutions, Jono founded his web design and development agency N4 Studio in Hamilton. Fast forward 10 years and he now has world leading brands on his books. Discover what he has to say about the unique advantages of running a business from the Waikato.

Tell us about N4 Studio. 

We’re an award-winning digital agency and top global enterprise partner for Webflow specialising in website design and development, although we work across branding and apps too.  

Our headquarters are in Hamilton but our team of 40 is spread across New Zealand, the UK and the US which allows us to tap into global resources and service our global clients in their time zones. 

Jono and N4 Co-founder Elliot Maher

Jono joined forces with co-founder Elliot Maher four years ago merging their existing agencies to create N4 Studio. 

 Who do you work with? 

The work our talented team produces means we get to partner with leading global brands like Serko/ for Business and Business Insider. 

Another exciting client is Surfline, the Apple weather equivalent app for surfers. Beyond these, we collaborate with all sorts of mid-market brands in the US and various startups, including Vinivia, a social app making waves in LA.  

While we work with local clients, most of our new clients are international with 80-90% based in the US. Our split is 15% startups, 30% mid-market and 55% enterprise level.  

What emerging areas of tech is N4 embracing? 

We’ve launched Odyssey Lab which helps businesses start their AI journeys.

The world of AI is crazy right now. Every business thinks they need to be doing something. Do they really? Not sure. Can problems be solved by AI? Definitely. But you’ve got to identify them first and be strategic. 

With Odyssey Lab, we provide businesses with an AI roadmap and actual deployment of custom AI solutions for their business in less than five days.  

So, it’s all about speed, cutting through the noise and ultimately helping them solve core challenges, instead of simply trying a bunch of new tools. We’re the first in New Zealand and internationally to provide a service like this – at this speed, level and quality. 

Aside from this, we’re leveraging AI to improve efficiency in our own business. 

 N4 team have a coffee

Did starting the business in Hamilton offer any unique advantages? 

There’s a thriving community of creatives and innovators here who are endlessly supportive.  

For example, Andrew Johnson from IT Partners gave up his time for free to mentor me when I was starting out. He even gave me a spot in his office for three months and would drop off resources he thought I’d be interested in. Being in a thriving environment during that time was invaluable. 

Business owners are friendly and open here. More so than in other places – there are no social cliques like there are in places like London. And tall poppy syndrome isn’t really a thing here.  

I’ve also found people here to be super passionate. They love what they do, and there’s a boldness in the startups and innovations coming out of the region. There’s a curiosity and daringness about them which drives innovation and continuous improvement. 

N4 staff play table tennis in office

I find the environment conducive to creativity here.  We seem to find it easier to get good talent in Hamilton and I think the environment has something to do with that. There’s space to breathe which you don’t necessarily get in larger urban centres.  

I think tech-minded people need that space for deep thinking and creativity. They can get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city and all that craziness which can get in the way of considered thinking. 

Our office looks out onto a canopy of trees next to the Waikato River so it almost feels like we’re in a treehouse. I live just down the road so I walk along the river to work every day and that peaceful start to the day is great for my own creativity and energy levels.  

N4 Studio’s HQs is based in Hamilton’s newest urban precinct MADE overlooking the Waikato River. 

What are your predictions for the future of Hamilton’s tech sector? 

Hamilton is on its way to becoming the next tech mecca. There’s a thriving tech community and the fact that Panama’s co-working spaces have expanded to four sites now is a good sign of a thriving startup culture. The environment here is perfect for starting a business, and I think we’ll see a lot of unique businesses with innovative ideas coming through  

Education providers here are producing world-class talent, and the supportive community and infrastructure investments will continue to drive innovation and attract more talent to the region.  

What does your away-from-work time look like?  

I’ve got a strict no weekend work policy these days. I love mountain biking, hiking and river walks, and there are plenty of opportunities for those in the Waikato. Another nod to how much opportunity there is here is the number of golf clubs: 43 in the Waikato. So I make the most of those. 

One of the other great things here is the opportunity for spontaneity. I grew up in Auckland and we had to make plans with friends weeks ahead of time, but because everything is so accessible in Hamilton, we can decide on the spot. It’s great to have that flexibility.  

When it comes to weekdays, I usually work from 6:45 – 6pm but because I live 10 minutes down the road, I have time to do other activities after work like hit the driving range or grab dinner. 

Jono and his dog Milo

 Pets are welcome at N4 Studio so Jono will often bring his dog Milo to work. 

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